
CM Commands wins recertification ISO 9001 2015

The new ISO 9001 2015 replaces the previous one and has a deadline until August 2018 to be implemented by all certified companies.

On December 21, 2017, CM Comandos received the ABNT NBR ISO 9001 2015 certification – the latest version, being part of the select group of companies that did not leave for the last hour the review migration.

According to ABNT, all ISO 9001 2008 certificates must be renewed and will expire after August 2018. For the organizations that left the last hour, there are only eight months of running with implementation and scheduling bottlenecks in the audits certification bodies.

Certified ISO 9001 since 2001, CM Comandos has successfully implemented the new guidelines established by the new standard, which reflect changes in the increasingly demanding, complex and dynamic environment that organizations currently experience.

Among the main changes we can highlight that the procedures and documents become tools to support efficiency and process management.

The main focus is the company’s result, delivering compliant products and services, efficiently and each employee contributing commitment, to achieve the company’s sustainable development.

Senior Management and the managers of each area are much more involved and the preventive actions of the past are now analyzed with risk mentality. The processes and management of organizational knowledge are aligned with business management and aim to provide greater customer satisfaction and contribute to the company’s results.

With this achievement, CM Commands reaffirms its role as a leading company in the design and manufacture of power systems, UPS, voltage stabilizers, medical safety systems, battery management and services for the corporate market for a wide range of applications and companies of all sizes.

CM Linear Commands